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8 Indonesia's Best Places To Visit In 2018

Indonesia is rich of natural beauty spreading out in many Islands 8 Indonesia's Best Places to Visit In 2018

Indonesia is rich of natural beauty spreading out in many Islands. It consists of over 17,000 islands with each unique character. The archipelago of Indonesia proudly presents the best natural beauty, which you can’t find in other earth. Exploring Indonesia will never be satisfied. From the highest-famous mountain to the deepwater paradises, you will pick out the breathtaking landscape of Indonesia. Well, let’s get your best place to visit in Indonesia that indulge your eyes.

1. Sabang

Sabang is a City in Indonesia which consists of a main island named “Weh Island”. It is located in the northern tip of Sumatra. When firstly come to Indonesia, it’s a must to start from Sabang. Amazing diverse destination, especially a marine spot can be found here. Pantai Lboih is the most popular beach among travelers that exhibits beautiful scenery. Meanwhile, you can also find another best spot such as Rubiah, Sumur Tiga, and Aneuk Laot Lake.

2. Banda Aceh

Banda Aceh is known as the largest city and the capital city of Aceh province. The province of Aceh saves a lot of tourism in Indonesia. Aceh is also known with its religion strength of Islam. When firstly visit to this city, you can start by coming to the most breathtaking mosque Indonesia, named Baiturrohaman. And then the next tour spot, you can visit to the museum of Tsunami; it reminds us about greatest tsunami disaster in 2004 ago.

3. Toba

This is the largest lake in South East Asia! Toba Lake becomes the worldwide highlight as well. It is located in the North Sumatra. The wide of Toba Lake reaches about 100 kilometers and width of 30 kilometers. Well, such really amazing! Visiting Toba Lake will be really attractive, because you will be indulged by the outstanding of natural beauty. This is like a hidden paradise in Indonesia with the perfectness of nature.

4. Mentawai Island

The archipelago of Mentawai becomes a great highlight among the tourists and travelers in the world. It is located in the west of Indonesia, which should be main destination because it has a fascinating natural beauty of the sea. Most of travelers make this destination as the best idea for surfing. Mentawai has four great islands such as; Siberut, Sipora, North Pagai, and South Pagai. Those islands present perfect scenery.

5. Belitung Island

Belitung Island is a part of Bangka-Belitung province which located in the mid-west of archipelago of Indonesia. Coming to Belitung will be amazed by the natural beauty of the sea in many spots. This Island becomes the attraction for many tourists because it surrounded by some small islands. Travelers should not only visit to the beaches, but you can also enjoy another place of Belitung like Tanjung Pandan City that presents many views as well.

6. Karimunjava

Central Java has a hidden paradise which not many know about it. However, for most local travelers must be familiar about karimunjava, which is located in Jepara Central Java. The beautiful view through the beaches can be the best spot to take a picture’s background. Karimunjava is also the best place for hopping, diving, and snorkeling. This is also one of the most attractive beach in Central Java that is recommended.

7. Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is known as the city of culture. It exhibits of many spots for best destination. Visiting to Yogyakarta you can enjoy many spots such as; Malioboro, Vander Wick Museum, Parangtritis Beach, Tugu Yogyakarta, Prambanan Temple and many others. Malioboro becomes the main icon of Yogyakarta that attracted many travelers in the world. Yogyakarta is a special Region that presents many tours met the culture.

8. Magelang

After enjoying the spots in Yogyakarta, you should not miss visiting to Magelang City. It is actually located near to Yogyakarta but it belongs to Central Java. Magelang presents the best Temple in the world, that is Borobudur Temple. Well, many travelers must be familiar with this temple, because it becomes one of the most famous temples in the word.

Best places to visit in Indonesia can be found in many Islands! Exploring the Islands in Indonesia may need lots of time, because so many islands are attractive. Prepare your holiday, and find your best destination in Indonesia!