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6 Most Wonderful Shrine In Indonesia

The shrine is known as a holy place for Hindu and Buddha 6 Most Wonderful Shrine In Indonesia

The shrine is known as a holy place for Hindu and Buddha’s religion. There are about 30% adherents of Hindu and Buddha spreading over in Indonesia, and most of Hinduism adherents live in Bali. Though only a little adherent of Hindus in Indonesia, you can still pick out some Temples or shrines. Here is the most wonderful shrine in Indonesia that can be found in many areas.

1. Sam Poo Kong Semarang

Sam Poo Kong is located in Simongan Raya, Semarang of Central Java. It is actually the place used to stopover of Zheng He admiral or known as Cheng Ho. If you walk around the shrine you will find red ambiance in the whole building. Visiting Sam Poo Kong shrine is really easy, because it is located near the center of the City, so it may spend about 20 minutes if you want to take a walk from the city.

When it comes to Chinese New Year, so many diverse adherents of Hindus visitors come to Sam Poo Kong to follow the celebration, or just only showing it. Visiting Sam Poo Kong should not only for Hindus adherent, another adherent religion may come to the shrine as well. You should keep the attitude when visiting the shrine because this is a holy place that must be respected.

2. Brahmavihara Arama

Bali is lots of spots to visit, not only popular about its natural beauty, but you can actually visit to the religious tour in Bali as well. Brahmaviharra is one of the Budha’s shrines in Bulelang, Bali. It is located in the top of the hill, so people can enjoy the freshness of the air while seeing the best of the sea. The shrine built by Buddhist Monk of Girirakkhito Mahatera is really wonderful. Many tourists from other religion are allowed to take a meditation here.

The serenity of the shrine becomes an attraction for the visitors. Looking around of the shrine you can have a story about Buddha and it’s still related to Borobudur Temple. In addition, there is a big chime in the shrine which comes from Thailand. The big chime can be the main attraction for the tourists.

3. Shri Mariamman

Shri Maramman built in 1881 to praise the goddess of Mariamman. It is located in Medan, North Sumatera. Looking outside, it presents a unique design that decorated with a Gopuram. Every year it held some bazar like Deepawali and Thaipusam, which like a celebration from Hindus adherents. When you attracted to visit the shrine make sure to respect and keep your attitude. It is allowed for non-adherents come to this shrine as well.

4. Hong San Tang

Another place with wonderful shrine comes from East Java. The metropolis of Surabaya exists of beautiful Shrine named Hong Sang Tang. It is located near to Kenjeran Beach. This shrine is a Buddhist’s patterned which has a unique design character. The sculpture of Dewi Kwan Im and Big Phra Phrom becomes the main attraction for visitors.

5. Tanah Lot

Looking at this temple or shrine becomes a perfect attraction for the visitors. It is located in the top of a big coral reef. Tanah Lot is also one of the famous shrines in Bali. The best view from the top of coral reef can be really attractive for the visitors to take a picture. Some visitors also like to take a meditation while enjoying the best natural beauty through the view.

6. Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is a really famous temple in Indonesia which visited by most travelers in the world. This Hindus Temple is located in Yogyakarta, near Central Java. Prambanan presents a perfect view of the temple’s design. There are three main temples that dedicated to the God of Wisnu, Brahma, and Syiwa. It also becomes a destination for best holidays.

These are the most wonderful shrine in Indonesia which becomes the holy place for most adherents of Hindus and Buddha in the world. However, the temple is also can be one of the destinations for tour religious. Visiting the holy place means you should take a lot of concerns on your attitude. And please don’t litter to the area, because it is a sacral place, so you have to respect!