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Pura Ulun Danu Bratan And Bratan Bedugul Lake Bali

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan and Bratan Bedugul Lake Bali Pura Ulun Danu Bratan and Bratan Bedugul Lake Bali

Bali is one of the best destinations in Indonesia that you may visit during a holiday season. There are a lot of tourists who come to Bali every day just because they want to enjoy the beauty of Bali Island. Somehow, it will make you confused to choose tourist spot in Bali because there are too many options. But, we would like to recommend you to come and visit Pura Ulun Danu Bratan and Beratan Bedugul Lake which really look outstanding. How can these two spots attract you?

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is a beautiful temple that is built on the edge of Bratan Lake. It belongs to Hindu temple that is currently still used. However, this temple is also available for tourist who wants to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. Basically, Pura Ulun Danu is used for offering ceremony for Danu goddesses and water, lake, and river goddesses. The surrounding nature is really amazing with its scenery combination between lake and mountain. Usually, some tourists come to Pura Ulun Danu to take some pre-wedding photos because this area is really fantastic. It is still natural and looks green. Moreover, the location is also far from cities so the air is still fresh when you want to inhale healthy air for a living.

Bratan Bedugul Lake

One of the most popular lakes in Bali is Bratan Bedugul. It is a huge lake that has an extraordinary view with the combination of Pura Ulun Danu and Mountain views. This is the place that you can see Pura Ulun Danu closer. In fact, Pura Ulun Danu is just an accessory for this lake that adds more value to its beauty. However, when you see the only lake and environment, you will really feel that you are living in the God Island. It is true that Bratan Bedugul lake resembles a paradise that offers harmony and beauty. If you plan to spend your holiday this summer, then you can choose Bali as your destination and then head to Bratan Bedugul Lake to see the real beauty of Bali.

Tips on Visiting Bratan Lake

Well, now you have two options for your best spot that you can visit in Bali. Bratan lake and its beautiful temple can pamper your eyes during your visit to Bali. If you want to enjoy the whole excitement in Bali, you are recommended to hire a tour guide. Usually, a tour package also offers Bratan Lake tour in the package. A backpacker is also not a bad idea to visit this beautiful area. In addition, you must not forget to bring your camera to capture every moment you have there.

Finally, that’s all about Pura Ulun Danu and the Bratan lake that you can visit during your holiday in Bali. Somehow, these two areas are not the only choices that you can explore because there are many other beautiful spots that you should not miss. And don’t forget to bring your family members and friends to make your holiday more fun.