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Gunung Bromo: The Best Mountain With Mythical Charm In East Java, Indonesia

 The Best Mountain with Mythical Charm in East Java Gunung Bromo: The Best Mountain with Mythical Charm in East Java, Indonesia

Gunung Bromo is not merely a mountain tourist object, but it blends with the unity of the entire Tengger crater, the dramatic highland light and the supernatural beauty of the view which brings your brain with tranquility. With all those charms, Gunung Bromo is then popular with its sunrise. It is because at this time the great crater is in best colours, especially throughout the day in the dry season, between June and September.

So,with those amazing landscapes what can you see and do in Gunung Bromo? Get the inspirations for your vacation through the following ideas.

1. The View of Bromo

Gunung Bromo is one of the three volcanoes which has a huge crater which has 10 kilometer-diameter. There are two peaks called as Kursi (2581 m) and Batok (2440 m). 

When you hike from Cemoro Lawang to Bromo, you will have trail down the crater wall and you will walk across the Laotian Pasir or Sea of Sand. There are white stone markers which you can follow during the day. bromo has a stone staircase, so make sure you climb the right cone.

At the 253 steps, you will see directly the steaming guts of the volcano which is full of sulphur. You can also see the Sea od Sand, the lip of the crater and the Hindu temple which opens only on special days. Normally the travellers get to Bromo through the town of Probolinggo then staying in Cemoro Lawang. There are other routes, too, they are from Wonokitri and Ngadas.

 The Best Mountain with Mythical Charm in East Java Gunung Bromo: The Best Mountain with Mythical Charm in East Java, Indonesia

2. Activities that You Can Do

In Gunung Bromo, you might do some other activities beside winessing the sunrise. They are:
  • Meet the Balinese or Javanese Hindu pilgrims who come to pray at one sacred mountain in Hindu Lore.
  • Have horse riding offered by the local Tengger people across the crater bed.
  • Ride private jeeps which cost IDR 500,000 too head back down to cross over the Laotian Pasir (Sea of Sand). The price is still negotiable, though.

 The Best Mountain with Mythical Charm in East Java Gunung Bromo: The Best Mountain with Mythical Charm in East Java, Indonesia
  • Have a lovely stroll to the downhill and the slopes which are planted with potatoes, scallions and cauliflower.
  • Take a walk across the Laotian Pasir to Ngadas village below the Tengger crater.

3. Accomodation in Gunung Bromo

There aren't many good places close to Bromo for staying. You will find some in Cemoro Lawang Village which is comfortable and gives other option for simple guesthouses rather than the overpriced hotel. Or you might want to head to east (Probolinggo) which has good guesthouses including Yoschi's Hotel.

4. Food Around Bromo

Nothing special with the food around Bromo. You might find the servings of Indonesian and Western food at the restaurants of hotels and guesthouses. Even the most lodges have breakfast for their rates. There are some food stores, too, in Cemoro Lawang.

That is Gunung Bromo, a lunarlike mountain with the epic history and beauty. Have the most breathtaking experience in this volcanic Bromo region and feel the connected sacred feeling.