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Dieng Highland The Most Beatiful Land Above The Clouds In Indonesia

 Dieng Plateau is an lively volcanic location in central Java Dieng Highland the most beatiful land above the clouds in Indonesia

Dieng Plateau is an lively volcanic location in central Java, who entered the district of Wonosobo danKabupaten Banjarnegara. It lies to the west of the complex Sindoro and Sumbing.
Dieng has the average altitude is set 2000 m above sea degree. Temperatures range from 12-20 ° C in daytime and 6-10 ° C at night. within the dry season (July and August), temperatures can reach 0 ° C in the morning and bring frost by the locals called bun upas ("dew poison") because it reasons harm to agricultural crops.

 Dieng Plateau is an lively volcanic location in central Java Dieng Highland the most beatiful land above the clouds in Indonesia

hobby tours various gadgets may be met in this state of the Gods. lovely natural attractions and natural in shape for the ones of you who neglected the atmosphere of the mountains as an alternative vacation. history debris left in the Dieng plateau was interesting to take a look at. The story surrounding heritage should emerge as an addition to insight at the same time as you travel.

 Dieng Plateau is an lively volcanic location in central Java Dieng Highland the most beatiful land above the clouds in Indonesia

Dieng Plateau gives lovely mountain panorama, whole with lake-lake, springs, craters and historical temples wing Hindu. placed at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea Dieng Plateau is the maximum popular herbal traveller vacation spot in Java land, herbal resources and cultural area of expertise have become the primary deal with for travelers.
 Dieng Plateau is an lively volcanic location in central Java Dieng Highland the most beatiful land above the clouds in Indonesia

The cool air-conditioned air Dieng Plateau will supply rhythm calm and peaceful environment. Is one of the maximum ideal opportunity so that it will visit Dieng, who's touted because the land above the clouds.

Here is the map that you can visit, i hope you really enjoy the best place in indonesia, the best destination in indonesia, the best trip for traveler and the best for your vacation and holiday in indonesia.