Getting To Know The Western Of Java
West Java is a province of Indonesia. Its capital was in the city of Bandung. History shows that the development of West Java province is the first province was formed in the territory of Indonesia. West Java province was established under Law 11 of 1950, concerning the Establishment of West Java Province. West Java is the province with the largest population in Indonesia. West Java diversity that long ago was inhabited by three indigenous groups in West Java, namely Tribe Betawi dialect of Malay, Sundanese Sundanese-speaking and English-speaking tribe Cirebon Cirebon.
West Java Province is located in the western part of Java Island. Territory bordering the Java Sea in the north, Central Java in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south, as well as Banten and Jakarta in the west.
North coast region is lowland. In the middle of the mountain, which is part of a chain of mountains stretching from west to east Java. Its highest point is Mount Ciremay, which is in the southwest city of Cirebon. The rivers are quite important is the CRB danSungai Cimanuk, which empties into the Java Sea.
The climate in West Java is tropical, with a temperature of 9 ° C at the summit of Mount Pangrango and 34 ° C on the North Coast, the average rainfall of 2,000 mm per year, but in some mountainous areas between 3,000 and 5,000 mm per year.